Yes You Do


"Yes You Do” is OUT and available for streaming on all music platforms! CLICK HERE to listen on all streaming platforms.

I'm grateful for the time the Lord gave me, writing this song.  And I'm blessed to have the opportunity to share it with you, beautiful souls. 

We’ve all hit that point in our life when the pain we feel is overbearing.  Perhaps we're just exhausted from everything going on around us. Maybe you’ve lost someone, something, or even yourself. Whatever the circumstance, you are not alone. Even when you feel unseen, unheard, The Lord knows what you’re going through. He created and designed us knowing where we would serve our purpose in this world.  We were placed here, at this moment, in this time, in HIS-tory for a reason.  What you are going through is not in vain, and You yourself can use the hardships AND triumphs your are experiencing for the glory of God and for the betterment of yourself.  We learn & grow through pain, and after the pain we find the joy!  Haven't found that joy?  When is the last time you've talked to God?

"Have you felt all the pain that I'm in?  Do you carry the weight of my sin?" were two questions I woke up with on Thursday, March 9th, before going into the studio to record.  I too have fear, doubts, questions... and I ask Him for the answers.  This song was His answer.  Every word, every melody, I truly give to God.  And His response to my questions... YES!

It is through Him that we find strength in situations that seem to overcome us.  It is through FAITH, HOPE, GRACE, and LOVE that we are able to keep on this path and find blessings through lessons, laughter, and pain.  I know we've hit rock bottoms, maybe you're in the middle of one right now... He is with you through the struggle, the fear, the joy... and loving you in every moment.  He’s crying with you, celebrating your triumphs along side you, walking into those moments of fear as your shield of courage, has his hand on you, and empathizes. You will not be forsaken with the Lord. When we're Daniel walking to the lions, when we're David facing down Goliath… oh yes He does walk with us in loving grace. On earth as it is in Heaven.

Please spread this message.  We all need to hear that we are loved and that we are not alone.

Sending you peace & love always,